Varnish Supplier Code of Conduct


Varnish Software is committed to the highest standards of integrity and social responsibility. We expect all of our suppliers engaged in providing products and services to Varnish Software to have, or to make, a similar commitment.

The Varnish Software Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC) describes Varnish Software’s expectations for how its suppliers conduct business. Varnish Software expects suppliers to act in accordance with the SCoC, and at a minimum, requires that all suppliers comply with applicable laws and regulations within the geographies where they operate, and be open and cooperative with the regulators enforcing such laws. 

Varnish Software encourages our suppliers to strive toward continual improvement and to establish, implement and maintain recognized management systems and standards related to the areas described in the SCoC. 

Compliance with laws and regulations
Suppliers shall comply fully with all laws and regulations applicable to them.

Bribery and anti-corruption 
Suppliers shall comply with requirements of all applicable bribery and anti-corruption laws.  

Gifts and entertainment 
Suppliers must not offer or accept any gift to obtain improper advantages or influence for the supplier, Varnish Software (such as Varnish Software employees and their family members and associates), or any third party. 

Varnish Software expects suppliers to have a policy and process for reporting workplace concerns. The policy and process should be transparent and understandable, and should protect reporting and participating individuals from retaliation. 

Data privacy and security 
Varnish Software requires its suppliers to protect the privacy of individuals and the security of confidential assets and information. 

Confidential assets and information 
Suppliers must protect Varnish Software’s and its clients’ confidential assets and information. Suppliers must design and maintain processes to provide appropriate protections for this information.

Personal information and privacy 
Varnish Software requires suppliers to protect personal information in compliance with all applicable local laws. Personal information provided by or on behalf of Varnish Software should only be used, accessed, and disclosed as permitted by the supplier agreement. 

Human rights
Varnish Software does not tolerate human rights violations in any form. Varnish Software expects suppliers to be aware of and address any human rights impacts that they cause or contribute to or that are directly linked to their operations, products, or services.

Modern slavery/human trafficking 
Varnish Software does not tolerate slavery, forced labor, or human trafficking in any form. Varnish Software requires suppliers to comply with the applicable legal requirements of slavery, forced labor and human trafficking laws.  

Child labor 
Varnish Software does not tolerate child labor in any form. Suppliers must act in compliance with all laws regulating minimum working age for each position, including any laws pertaining to the employment, apprenticeships, and internships of youths and students.
Employment laws 
Suppliers must comply with all applicable local wage and labor laws. Varnish Software expects suppliers to provide employees with a timely and understandable wage statement that includes sufficient information to verify accurate compensation for work. 

Well-being, health, and safety 
Varnish Software expects suppliers to implement sound health and safety practices across business operations. Suppliers must comply with all applicable health and safety laws and regulations. 

Varnish Software is committed to reducing the impact of its operations on the natural environment and working with its suppliers to do the same. Suppliers must comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations. 

Compliance with the SCoC  
Suppliers are required to report legal violations or violations of the SCoC to Varnish Software 

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